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Registered: 03-2006
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Merc lists for tournament play

Well tournament season is almost here and I'm readying my lists for the masters.

List 1 Durgen madhammer
Thor Stienhammer
Dougnal MacNaile
Epic Erriss
Alexia and the risen
Max Nyss
Max assasins + UA
A and H

Currently on version 5 of this list and probably the most play tested feels solid, cant hep think how good the earth breaker is.

Drake McBAIN!

first mate hawk
Doc Killingsworth
Lord Rockbottom
Sea Dog Crew
Mr Walls
2 riflemen UA
Kayazy Eliminators
Kayazy Eliminators
Max Croes

That leaves points in a 2 list format that would be Piper in a 3 list format that would be saxon, really going to try and squeeze in orin midwinter - dropping the 2 riflemen seems legit or 1 unit of eliminators and 1 rifleman UA for 2 x 2 point solos (probs Kell and Orin)

The 3rd lists at the moment would be Ashlyn, i will look at other options but i like her cygnarian style of play.

Current list (having played an alternate on Sunday)
would be;

Harlan Versh
Mule (marshalled)
Max Boomies
Max forge Guard
Max Pks + UA

the idea of the mule i think needs more play testing - the points fit but consider upgrading the mule to Rochinate, but this change massively changes play style and the way Ashlyn pays the mule seems solid, but Rochinante gives other options, im not sure what i can drop to get the extra point?

I also to get the TAC in there - these guys are quickly becoming my fave unit, was thinking that i would drop the PK's to mim then drop Versh to upgrade the Mule To Rochinate and then i have the 4 points for the TAC, I will be playtesting this set up next when Darren Has painted my Boomies!

Just thought that i put this out there to see if there is anything that i have missed. I have looked at alot of the tournament lists out there and the relevent warcaster tactica that is out there, so im Pretty Happy with thease lists, I did give thought to my 3rd lists as my initial thoughts where Broadside Bart - Especially with Gastone as he seems sort of focus for my liking but then all of his spells are battle group.

Thoughts and comments welcome - especially in terms of the lists good and bad match ups.

5/13/2014, 8:15 pm Link to this post Email BoneyXXX   PM BoneyXXX

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